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Month: March 2022

Broken wrist update

Broken wrist update

It’s amazing the limitations one experiences when their wrist is injured or broken, especially the dominant wrist. Although I expected things to be difficult, I did not realize that I would have no pinch grip, and absolutely no strength at all in my fingers. I could not grip or pick up anything without breakthrough pain. It was amazing. Not even an empty hanger, a spoon,etc. And try to open a bottle of water or soda! My left hand did not…

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Krazy K RV Park

Krazy K RV Park

Let me introduce you to the home I have had for a month, Krazy K RV Park. This is the type of place that truly reflects the statement,” I came for a day and stayed for a week…a month, …a year, all of the above! It’s a small RV Park and it has everything you would want , but on a smaller scale. 😉 One downside, is that it is close to interstate I-17. A bit off on the other…

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Sedona- Fay Canyon

Sedona- Fay Canyon

When the weather is good, I want to try to get out and just go for walks, not hikes. I need to keep my circulation going. So I did look up an easy hike to Fay Canyon and I went there on March 2nd. There are two main roads into Sedona from interstate 17. They meet in downtown Sedona in an area known as the “Y”. Directions are given to different parts of Sedona referencing the “Y”. Cathedral Rock and…

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