Meeting Police in Corpus Christi
While Finding old Churches in Downtown Corpus Christi.
What can I say??!! The police here must be drawn to my magnetic personality! ðĪð Because this is the third one I’ve met now since I’ve been here. I don’t remember if I told you about the patrol that came up to me on the beach because I did not have a pass to park my car on the beach. I thought it was for overnight parking only, but nope it’s for anytime you park there. She saw I was from Wisconsin and it was just informative. ðŽ
So this time I was driving around downtown Corpus Christi yesterday, Saturday. There was very little to no traffic downtown so it was easy to drive around. I would see the Church’s tower and then find my way over to it.
So. I’m at the red lights and I make a left hand turn onto the Street downtown and stop at another red light within a block. I make another left hand turn and see the police car is right behind me with the lights on!! So I pulled right over. I mean there is no one around! And I had no idea why I was pulled over. None!
So he came up casually and asked me,… “good afternoon, how are you doing Ma’me?”I answered him “well I was doing pretty well, but now I have no idea why I’ve been pulled over.” Well then he had some explaining to do because I didn’t understand it at first. He said I had made an illegal left hand turn. I was totally confused and asked when and where? He explained it to me. Apparently the second street I turned onto was a one-way Street. So what I had actually done then, was made a left-hand turn from a right-hand Lane when I should have been in the left lane!! ð I was pretty genuine in my response, “Really? I had no idea it was a one way street!” I told him I was just driving around finding the different churches to take pictures of. …he was nice and understood my confusion. There had been a second younger black guy with a fluorescent green vest that came up with but behind him. Then he returned to the car and he stayed there. He may have been in training….
So he had to take my license back with him and it didn’t take too long before
(I also noted that the first time he walked up to the truck he reached out and tapped at the back of my tailgate. It was interesting that when he came back with my license plate, he did it again. It didn’t seem to be for no reason. I’m wondering if it was a way to determine if there were illegal immigrants in the back. I’d be the perfect cover!)
We talked a little bit and he gave me the directions to the oceanfront which was pretty straight ahead. He then encouraged me to have a good afternoon and drive safely. And I smiled “now I’m afraid to drive anywhere!!” Half kidding and have serious! And he said “No, no you’ll be fine ma’am! you just have a good afternoon!”
You can bet I was very careful driving around after that. ð No warning ticket either!!
I called my son Nathan, because he does work with the Green Bay Police department. We laughed about me getting stopped again! And then he said it was probably slow for them and they might have seen that happen before at that intersection and so that’s why they pulled me over. I’m thinking they must have been sitting behind me at the lights and I just never saw them. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway because I didn’t know that was a one-way Street. There was no traffic around to help me!!! ð When I sent the officer’s picture to him, Nathan noted that he had been an officer since 2001. So that tells me he’s had a lot of experience and didn’t need to prove anything. Maybe that’s why he didn’t even write up a warning ð. Nathan said they really make note of the cars up here from Texas, so maybe Texas is making notes of Wisconsin! He did ask if I was living in the area now and I explained I was here while my RV was being repaired. I hope I can get out of Texas without getting stopped any more times!!! Wish me luck!!! ðĪŠ
Maybe it’s the pickup….ðĪ